Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Liferay IDE Datasheet

Liferay IDE Datasheet
Liferay IDE is a best-of-breed set of Eclipse plugins that expedites and simplifies plug-in development with the Liferay Portal
In June 2010, Liferay shipped the first release of Liferay IDE 1.0 Community Edition (CE), which is now freely available to Liferay’s
community of developers. It currently supports existing Eclipse Galileo and Helios releases.
The next version (1.1) is already in development and will include support for the remaining Liferay plug-in project types as well as
more advanced wizards and editors for the Liferay development platform.
An Enterprise Edition (EE) of the IDE is also in the planning stages and will include support for the Websphere, Weblogic, and
Maven environments.

7 Liferay development wizards
4 Liferay plug-in project types
Build, deploy, and debug projects on Liferay
Portal Tomcat bundle
Validation and content assist for all Liferay
   deployment descriptors
3 specialized editors for Liferay content
Supports Liferay Plug-ins SDK
Eclipse Galileo/Helios Support

Quickly create Liferay artifacts using wizards
instead of by hand
Automatic configuration of Liferay server
runtime inside Eclipse
Compile time validation that prevents coding
Supports existing plug-ins SDK development
Built on the Eclipse platform

Liferay Plug-ins SDK Support
Liferay Portal Tomcat Bundle Support
Liferay Plug-in project types
o Portlet
o Hooks
o Layouttpl
o Theme (planned)
Import/Convert existing SDK projects
Server support for Liferay Portal Tomcat
Auto/hot-swap deployment of plug-ins
Custom servers view for Liferay plug-in projects
Smart management of Liferay API classpath container
New Liferay Portlet Wizard
New Liferay Hook Wizard
New Liferay Services Wizard
New Liferay Template Wizard (planned)
Liferay portlet deployment descriptor validation
Service.xml visual editor
Liferay-plugin-package visual editor
Liferay-hook.xml visual editor (planned)
Liferay-portlet.xml visual editor (planned)
Liferay-display.xml visual editor (planned)
Liferay Template Designer (in-progress)

Contributed By

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    your information is great please change font color. it's difficult to read
